As part of the co-creative Vision Track of the Future Mission for Education, the Stifterverband and the Heinz Nixdorf Foundation publishes in August 2024 an exploratory study on innovative future concepts in the global education context and their transfer potential for German universities.
Against the backdrop of rapid technological change, demographic developments and global polycrises, familiar challenges in the organisation of higher education are taking on a new urgency. It cannot be assumed that the social transformation in the production and dissemination of knowledge will stop at universities. Universities will have to change to remain centres of education, research and innovation.
In the context of the "Zukunftsmission Bildung" (Future Mission for Education), the Stifterverband and the Heinz Nixdorf Foundation therefore commissioned an international exploratory study to map future-viable concepts at German and international pioneering institutions and analyse their transfer potential.
The aim of the exploratory study is to provide inspiration, to enable learning from models and to open opportunities and room for discussion.
The future concepts outlined in the exploration study show promising approaches to solutions that address the following systemic challenges ("pain points") in the design of studies and teaching:
The study was supported by a committed university community, implemented by the Technopolis Group from October 2023 to June 2024 and accompanied by a study advisory board of university experts.
Almost 170 global innovation examples were compiled using a crowd-sourcing approach. From these, seven case studies were selected to identify levers for change for the future-proof design of higher education and to discuss their effectiveness and transferability to the German higher education system.
The exploratory study thus systematically picks up on existing debates and discusses innovative approaches in terms of their effectiveness and transferability to the German higher education system based on the summarised challenges. The practical examples include both proven and promising new approaches. They focus primarily on the potential for adaptation in existing institutions, but also provide inspiration for new foundations. Finally, recommendations for universities and higher education policy are derived on this basis.
A six-member study advisory board, consisting of experts from university practice, accompanied the entire study process and helped steer the direction of the study as well as the interpretation, validation and processing of (interim) results and conclusions.
The exploration study is part of the Vision Track of the Future Mission for Education (Zukunftsmission Bildung) which bundles measures with a co-creative and explorative approach to strengthen the future viability of universities.
Zukunftsmission Bildung's website
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